A few weeks ago I blogged about my newly-found need for wellies, and created a little shortlist of nine possible lovelies: 

So after a carefully considered thought process (not really - I just pointed at the screen and said "I choose you!") here's what got delivered on Friday:


We took the wellies (and of course the dogs) to Tatton Park for a test drive:

Yeah, it was gloomy. But there was plenty of mud, glorious mud to stomp around in:

Penny couldn't quite figure out how to climb down from the massive tree trunk: 

After a good two hours of scampering around the park, someone was somewhat in need of a bath (no, no, not me - all I needed was a nice cup of tea and a biscuit):

After which she was rather sleepy:

Enrique was sleepy too. And very fluffy. After a bath he just turns into a big gorgeous puff-ball:

What did you do with your weekend?

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