Wardrobe Project Update - Painting the Shoe Display Unit
Hola! Let's start off the week with an update on my wardrobe revamp project. Over the weekend I got busy with my paintbrush and painted my new shoe storage unit a lovely deep chocolate brown.
Here's how things looked before I started painting:

I removed all the clothes and shoes:

And then lathered on a coat of paint:

I didn't bother doing it too carefully because I knew that eventually I'd be papering all the walls and floor of the wardrobe with my lovely new Clarissa Hulse wallpaper, which would hide any paint splashes.
Once the paint had dried, I transferred all the clothes and shoes back into the wardrobe:

And voilà!
So thus far I have created the design, chosen the wallpaper, built the storage unit, and painted it. The final step will be to wallpaper the inside of the wardrobe - I have never attempted any wallpapering before, so I'm looking forward to inevitably coating myself in paste in the not too distant future.
Any wallpaper experts out there? Do you have any tips?