Spraying Old Tin Boxes Silver
It's so very, very, very nearly done!
I have sanded the heirloom medicine cabinet, painted it, distressed it, and as a very-nearly-final step I spray painted the tin storage boxes.
Here's the before shot:

I wanted to preserve the battered feel, but wasn't bothered about retaining the pictures or lettering - if I came from a family of doctors I could see the point in keeping ancient labels for cotton wool and bandages, but coming from a family of teachers and artists I decided to paint them instead.
So into an old Abel and Cole box they went, together with remnants of onion peel from that week's organic veg delivery:

Several layers of silver spray paint later, and here's how things were looking:

I used three different cans of silver spray (cos I had these nearly-finished cans sitting around in the cupboard) so they all came out slightly different colours, which I like a lot:

Now the cabinet needs handles - and THEN it will be done!