A Weekend in Portmeirion, Wales

This weekend a couple of very exciting things happened - first of all, Manchester City Council has agreed that Withington Baths, a local Edwardian swimming pool, can be run by the community instead of being shut down (wheeeeeeeee!), and secondly, Andre and I sneaked away to spend the night in Portmeirion, a little village in the Welsh national park, Snowdonia.
The amazing thing about Portmeirion is that it was purpose-built between the 1920s and the 1950s in the style of an Italian village with a central piazza, tower and an array of attractive pastel houses.
Here's the main square:

And the bell tower:

I wonder where this little arch goes? (We didn't find out because we were in search of the spa and our pre-booked mud wraps).

A row of delectably coloured houses:

We stayed in this castle:

I've never stayed in a hotel bedroom with a window like this before:

This is my 'this photograph is standing between me and my prosecco' face:

The main hotel at the bottom of the village. I'm wearing a (faux) fur vintage coat that belonged to my Grandma and makes me feel happy whenever I put it on.

Portmeirion is located on an estuary with stunning panoramic views:

One of the most noticeable features of Portmeirion is the very high proportion of benches and resting spots to inhabitants, perfect for people who have had a little bit too much prosecco the night before:

The view from the beach up to the village:

We feel rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to wrestle the large pile of wood resting patiently on our bedroom floor and turn it into a fitted wardrobe. Bring it!