Making It Yours Part Three - Our Guest Bedroom
So I promised some photographs of our lovely Perpetual Paris calendar in its third home in our guest bedroom. This is the third instalment of my real-life Making it Yours series (which I began three years ago in 2010!) inspired by Nicole from Making It Lovely, where she "follows one piece of furniture through several stages of an imagined life, and presents a mood board for each".
First we assembled the Paris calendar and hung it in our home office. Then we turned the office into our baby daughter’s nursery, and kept the calendar on the wall (the letters and numbers seemed a suitably decorative accessory for a child’s bedroom). And then we moved house, refurbished our spare bedroom, and a year later finally got around to hammering in a couple of nails and installing Perpetual Paris.
Here’s the moodboard:

Perpetual Paris calendar, bed, chandelier, wooden vase, ceramic vase, pink cushion, distressed chest of drawers, pink and yellow stools, yellow Suzani fabric, mirror.
And here are the real-life photos of the calendar in situ. The first thing you see upon entering the room is a lovely fragmented reflection of the calendar in the vintage mirrors hung above the original Victorian fireplace.

The view of the window (the curtains are made from the same fabric as baby Natalia’s newly upholstered chair):

The calendar is hung on the same wall as the door, along with my Lobster and Swan paper garland that I’ve pinned in a loose swag across the corner of the room above the tall chest of drawers. You can't see from this picture, but there's a yellow stool on this side of the bed to match the pink one on the other side.

And the mirrors again:

And here are all three moodboards together:

So that’s where Perpetual Paris has ended up three years down the line. Stick around, I'll probably bring you another update in 2016 sometime :-) Do you have a favourite piece of furniture or accessory that has moved with you from one house to another?